Other things my neighborhood has lost in the past three years:
•Rumblestreet Music (my old roommate Jamie bought an amp for his bass guitar there)
•A black sports memorabilia store whose name I have forgotten
•The coco helado lady who used to hang out in J.J. Burn Memorial Park
•The Palestinian couple who ran the laundromat between 5th and 6th Streets
•Park Slope Office Furniture (I bought my desk and bookshelves there)
•The 99 cent store across the street
•The print shop where I once tried to interview a haggard old man who smelled of urine (it was the only place I found with a Bush/Cheney sign in the window)
•The Bodega at 9th St and 6th Ave
•Its street cred
•The Fifth Avenue Committee
•The junk shop where I bought a bizarre line drawing of two men in some kind of argument
•The gas station at the end of my block (I don't miss it)
•The Chess Club on 4th Ave. that I passed on the way to the F train
•The lady who was walking her two dogs every morning while I was walking to work

I miss the white people. God, I wish there were more white people in Park Slope. Good thing they all moved to SoBro.
What what!
Greenpoint, sucka.
This reminds me that I need to join a chess club.
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