
Surely We Are All Doomed

Karolina just told me that she wants to move to Poland to go to med school. I hear they have good chocolate.



The material world is on the brink of a planetary awakening,
propelled by the personal transformation of mind
from the shadows of limited constructs into the truth of being.
As the awakening soul trusts in the Great Love that birthed it,
time shifts to the Eternal Now where the Presence resides...
the bridge constructed in the peace and stillness of the quiet heart.
This is a reality factory where resonance patterns
determine the experiential stage.
Behavior is the test of knowing and education is key.
The polarization process is separating and segregating
the diverse energies of faith and fear.
We are One people ... the part and the whole intricately interrelated
in a cosmic web of purpose and intent.
As love comes into dominance in the mind arena,
as spirit energy reaches critical mass,
Eternal Awareness will regain access to this realm
and enter the soul of humanity.
Second Stage Creation begins...

My Friends Are Famous

The Brooklyn Beard Co.
Est. 2007


Bodymore, Murderland

Sorry, I am working out issues related to my addiction to "The Wire." I am the Mike Jordan of blogging.